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How to project confidence with body language

Research shows that we have seconds to create a first impression. Actor and communication skills coach Sarah Perugia has been training corporates how to use body language to their advantage for the last 15 years. In a recent article for The Guardian, Sarah outlined some top tips for projecting confidence and making a positive connection with peers. Take up spaceSarah…

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Say goodbye to 9 to 5

Have you ever had one of those days when it seems impossible to get out of bed in time to be at the office at 9am sharp? Or are you the type to get in bright and early to get more work done so you can have an easy afternoon? What if you could show up to work and leave…

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1 in 4 vows to drink less at the office Christmas party

Office Christmas parties have become notorious for excessive drinking and sometimes scandalous behaviour – but how much of this is true? New research into employee behaviour at office Christmas parties has revealed how various sectors behave and also how much of this behaviour has made its way onto social media. The survey of 1,000 UK employees, commissioned by online reputation…

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Wikipedia bosses awarded top management accolades

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and business pioneer Sir Ronald Cohen have been named as this year’s winners of two of the highest accolades in the management profession. Wales will receive the Chartered Management Institute’s (CMI) 2015 Gold Medal Award in recognition of his outstanding leadership, whilst Cohen’s accomplishments in the financial world and in social enterprise have earned him CMI’s…

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Baby boomer retirement will leave skills gap

UK employers are anticipating a significant skills gap when baby boomers retire over the next two to five years and are already taking steps to mitigate the risk. New research from leading recruitment specialist Robert Half UK reveals that 74% of finance directors are concerned that the skills gap resulting from widespread retirement of baby boomers will have a negative…

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Has Shared Parental Leave delivered?

New research into the impact of Shared Parental Leave on businesses and their employees has revealed that while just 2% of companies have experienced significant take up, 38% say they have received interest and momentum is definitely building. A joint study by My Family Care, the company that helps businesses introduce family friendly working practices, and law firm Hogan Lovells…

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PA Life uncovers the challenge of admin professionals at office*

This week saw the office* show bring together thousands of PAs, EAs, VAs and office managers for two days of networking, supplier sourcing and education. PA Life Editor Amelia Walker led a panel discussion to discover how admin professionals can boost recognition of the PA role. The panellists included Donna Coulling, celebrity PA and PA speaker and mentor; Adam Fidler,…

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5 Communication tips to promote workplace diversity

Professional women haven’t been at a loss for advice in recent years – there are countless articles about the ways women can advance their careers. And while it’s undoubtedly important to show women how to be better self-advocates, that’s only half the solution. When women do assert themselves, many often feel that no one hears them or takes their input…

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Afraid of digital networking ladies?

Why do you go to networking events? Have lunch with colleagues? Seek out advice from experts—and your peers? The answers to these questions are self-evident. Face-to-face relationship building is a natural part of our work and lives. But when it comes to using social media to build business relationships, many women come up short says Vanessa DiMauro for Forbes Woman.…

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The trend for team building is simplicity

Sam Sutton, director of New Forest Activities, gives PA Life an insight to how the team-building industry has changed over recent years and the vital role PAs play in organising these events. Q: Is there a typical client that books an outdoor team-building event?A: Broadly speaking there are three genres of clients that come to us, for very different reasons.…

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UK businesses need to get emotional

Understanding emotional expression, using emotional intelligence and having an appropriate emotional response could mean the difference between closing or losing a sale and creating or diffusing conflict, as well as securing the best talent, according to business neuroscientist Dr Lynda Shaw. Whilst Charles Darwin theorized that emotions were biologically determined and universal to human culture, the more popularised belief during…

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Texting the boss is better than sending an email

Experts say there are an estimated 100 billion emails sent per day around the world, yet only 14% of those are considered critical to the running of a business, according to The Australian Financial Review. It’s no wonder the text message has overtaken email as the best way to get important information to your boss. Texts create a sense of…

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Almost half of working mothers feel ‘discriminated against’

A new survey from has found nearly half of working mothers feel their employer actively discriminates against them. Having questioned 2,300 mothers, it also found that nearly two thirds of women return from maternity and moved to a new role within their existing company or in another organisation. The survey also revealed that flexible working was the most important…

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A memo from Emily Mills

In 2012, my colleague Victoria Norris and I had identified that the PA role was changing; an evolution was taking place and the tangible impact of a PA on all aspects of business was worth sharing, supporting and profiling and as a result, we set about creating the Norwich PA Network. There was one problem; we didn’t know where or…

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Tips for networking with other admins

Nancy D O’Reilly, author of Leading Women: 20 influential women share their secrets to leadership recently caught up with Business Management Daily to explain how admin professionals can use the advice contained in her book. She says there are some very simple ways PAs and EAs can network to learn from others. O’Reilly believes the best way to gain knowledge…

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Businesses show lack of care for staff wellbeing

Less than half of businesses believe they have a duty of care to employee health, according to a recently released report from Morgan Redwood, with only 46% of firms regarding staff health as an employer?s responsibility. This is despite the fact that 82.8% of companies believe that business performance and staff wellbeing are connected. The research, conducted by leadership development…

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Grim statistics for women as leaders

The gender pay gap has been a topic of discussion during the last six weeks, and with good reason looking at the results of an O2 survey on female perceptions of workplace management announced earlier this year. Almost a fifth of women believe it is impossible for them to reach a senior management role in business, according to a survey…

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How to spot a ‘bad boss’

Bad bosses ? throughout our careers, we?ve all had at least one. A recent Saratoga research report authored by Leigh Branham revealed that 68% of employees leave a job because of their boss. However, some of the reasons this happens go deeper than mere personality clashes. Award-winning marketing director, entrepreneur and author Alan O?Rourke says: ?The dishonourable side of leadership where responsibility…

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