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Now, something for the boss

At PA Life we?re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we?d…

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UK job prospects experiencing ‘boom’

Listening to all the doom and gloom merchants ? or even watching the daily news ? it might appear as though the current economic climate is still wreaking havoc on employment prospects here in the UK. But dig deeper, as leadership development firm Morgan Redwood have done, and you will find a very different picture; that prospects have been improving…

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Females in the working world

Last month saw author Ali Smith selected as the winner of the Baileys Women?s Prize for Fiction – designed to shine a spotlight on fantastic writing by women. Her book, titled How To Be Both highlights how the world sees gender and how it has changed. Now in its twentieth year, the accolade, which was established to celebrate excellence, originality…

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Triumph in the face of diversity

The long-running, award-winning US drama Mad Men came to an end in May this year after seven years of shining a light on the glamourous world of advertising in New York and California during the 1960s. But for all the glitz and glamour, the show also highlighted the sometimes painfully slow progression of workplace diversity practices during the period. Thankfully,…

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Female entrepreneurs

The US is the best place to be a female entrepreneur, closely followed by Canada, Australia, Sweden and the UK, according to new research conducted by ACG and sponsored by Dell.   The report looks at 31 countries in total and researched a series of factors in order to determine which countries around the world provide the best environment for…

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Tips to reduce holiday stress

As we approach the summer holidays, a new study by the Institute of Leadership & Management (ILM), has found that holidays are not nearly as relaxing as they should be. The ILM survey of more than 1,000 UK workers and managers shows that British employees are working through their annual leave and not making the most of the summer season.…

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Work-life balance improves earnings

If your workload is affecting your personal life, you may want to let your boss know he or she can make more money from your skills by expecting less. Businesses that help staff to achieve a good work-life balance earn 27% more per year from each employee, according to a newly released study. The research, conducted by Morgan Redwood, an…

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A memo from Emily Mills

In 2012, my colleague Victoria Norris and I had identified that the PA role was changing; an evolution was taking place and the tangible impact of a PA on all aspects of business was worth sharing, supporting and profiling and as a result, we set about creating the Norwich PA Network. There was one problem; we didn?t know where or…

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Psychology at work

Understanding what makes us tick and how we?re perceived by others can go a long way to creating a harmonious, collaborative atmosphere in the workplace. Nicky Whyman explains the art of self-awareness Wouldn?t it be great if everyone just got along? In the corporate world we are required to work collaboratively, but the reality is that there will always be…

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Bring this to your boss to negotiate training

Administrative staff have the potential to be a company’s most powerful resource and are sometimes considered to be more closely aligned with middle management than support. However, training for individuals in these roles is still not considered a priority. Here’s a look at why learning opportunities are important and how executives can invest in their PAs. Why train admin staff?…

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In any event

The PA’s role is fast diversifying, with involvement in events having become a fundamental element of their daily work life. PA Life recently partnered with agency Top Banana to find out more in the #PAEventTips survey As PAs gain greater recognition within senior leadership teams, managing events has developed into a significant area of responsibility. Around 63 per cent of…

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And now, something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d…

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Instant Motivation

Instant Motivation – Chantal Burns (Pearson, £12.99) The surprising truth about this book is that the title doesn’t match the subject matter. This is not to say it isn’t good; it is and I found it interesting, informative and thought provoking. It’s more for those interested in how your mind works. Burns draws on her 15 years’ experience as a leadership…

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How to go from good to great

Great executive assistants need a certain set of skills to help their bosses get ahead while advancing their own careers. Among the essentials are technology and social media knowledge, as well as being aware of what’s going on around the office and in the wider business world. This is the advice of the founder of the Global PA Association Rosemary…

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UK companies face talent shortage

Despite an upturn in the economic situation, UK companies are still facing a recruitment shortage of skilled staff because potential candidates are nervous about leaving steady jobs that have kept them secure during the uncertain financial climate. This has led to businesses not protecting themselves against candidate shortages, according to HR specialist SYLO Associates. Creating talent pipelines is the solution…

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Why EAs are the new managers

Just as everything in the business world is constantly evolving, the role of management assistants has transformed significantly in recent years. New research has found that there are several key factors driving this change, not least of which is the recent recession. When firms were forced to cut costs in order to stay afloat, many PAs found themselves taking on…

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Know your board better

Supporting a director and the logistics of managing their affairs requires a lot of attention. Janet Ashford and Paul Munden discuss the five things every assistant should know about their boss and the board What kind of leader is your director?Running a business in today’s complex corporate world requires strong leadership. There is a range of management styles that a…

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And now… something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d…

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