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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

PAs in the news

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Personal assistants across the world have once again been hitting the headlines, so we take our regular look at what exactly they’ve been up to. First up is the sad tale of comedy actor Robin Williams’s suicide; once again, as is the case in many of these sorry happenings, the person to find the body […]

Top tips for keeping staff motivated in summer time

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With the summer in full swing, now is the time when a lot of office workers go away on holiday. Here are some top tips for keeping the rest of us motivated when all we can think about is the outside world. Maintaining staff morale in the summer months can be a challenge and taking […]

And now… something for the boss

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At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your […]