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Friday, March 27, 2015

Learn the art of delegation

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The art of delegation can be difficult to master, but it is a vital workplace skill. Effective delegation can save you time, energy and stress while building a strong, successful team who feel valued. People often avoid delegating tasks, because they struggle to relinquish control or don’t have faith in the abilities of their colleagues, […]

Troublesome tales of the office

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What do a pyjama-wearing employee, a sleepy member of staff and a client with bad personal hygiene have in common? They all feature in the embarrassing stories collated by AirConUK.co.uk, which has been canvassing input from office workers up and down the country. One client of the air conditioning and fitting company recalls a female […]

Wine and dine in style at One Moorgate Place

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One Moorgate Place, home to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, is not your average institute. Did you know you can hire it without being a member? That way, you can enjoy delicious food at a beautiful venue for corporate events in the heart of London. Built in 1890, One Moorgate Place […]

Events take centre stage at Wales Millennium Centre

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Wales Millennium Centre is best known as the country’s iconic national hub for the arts. It’s an architecturally innovative building and a top UK visitor attraction, but as a conference venue it is equally world class. Holding an event on the internationally renowned Donald Gordon stage in the midst of the property’s busy programme of […]