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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Discover our top Training Day line-up

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An array of prestigious presenters will be on hand to impart their advice at PA Life’s next training day. Speakers at the event include well-known names on the circuit such as Angela Garry, who has worked in administrative roles since 1991 and runs her own training company, Pica Aurum; Heather Baker, meanwhile, had more than […]

A great escape

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There are times when business matters are best discussed in a relaxed setting. With the UK’s landscape offering so many beautiful locations for rural retreats, PA Life takes a look at just a few of the country hotels available Ashdown Park (pictured)Wych Cross, Nr Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JRashdownpark.comSpaces available: The Richard Towneley Suite […]

Cybersecurity is key to crime prevention at work

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The issue with cybersecurity is firstly how little people understand the risks they take online and the second is how little they appear to care, writes Simon Freeman. This is a toxic combination of cultural shortfalls that will see cyber crime grow to the point where we will either need to abandon the internet as […]