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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Venues should smell the coffee

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PAs shouldn?t lose sleep over registration arrangements, worry about the room layout, or panic over Powerpoint presentations. A recent survey shows that an event?s success could actually be measured by the quality of the refreshments. Conference Cambridge, the official free venue-finding service for Cambridge University and its colleges, as well as hotels and other unique […]

The PA’s guide to confidentiality

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PAs, EAs and VAs are placed in a unique position within their company ? one that requires a high level of trust due to the nature of the confidential material they often handle. Here?s a guide to keeping sensitive information under wraps both in and out of the office. Confidential emails and filesInternet security has […]

Psychology at work

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Understanding what makes us tick and how we?re perceived by others can go a long way to creating a harmonious, collaborative atmosphere in the workplace. Nicky Whyman explains the art of self-awareness Wouldn?t it be great if everyone just got along? In the corporate world we are required to work collaboratively, but the reality is […]