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Friday, July 10, 2015

6 irritating office rules

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Every company needs to have rules – a set of guidelines to adhere to. Problems arise however, when the office rulebook is continuously added to by the powers that be, and pernickety points that don?t necessarily need to be implemented, are. Dr. Travel Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence, highlights the 6 main rules that irritate employees […]

Part 2: How to interview PA candidates

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As an employer, if you?ve made the decision to hire a personal assistant – the easy part is over. The hard part comes during the interview process — how do you narrow down your search to find the perfect candidate? As the second part of our PA recruitment double-header, here are eight must-ask interview questions. […]

Tips for an efficient office

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Whether you?re a dedicated office manager or a PA who?s responsible for making sure things run smoothly, keeping a workplace performing at its peak is no easy task. There?s lots to do ? ordering supplies, troubleshooting, dealing with suppliers and maintenance. Here are five tips for keeping the ship sailing. 1 Organise ? PAs are […]

Part 1: Approaching a PA job search

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Today?s top-flying personal and executive assistants are no longer glorified secretaries, they are managing big budgets and making key business decisions. In the first instalment of our PA recruitment two-parter, whether you?re just starting your job search or keen to advance your career, here are things you should keep in mind when looking for your […]