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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Female entrepreneurs

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The US is the best place to be a female entrepreneur, closely followed by Canada, Australia, Sweden and the UK, according to new research conducted by ACG and sponsored by Dell.   The report looks at 31 countries in total and researched a series of factors in order to determine which countries around the world […]

The most productive time of the office day is?

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Productivity. In an era of always-on technology and continual interruptions, being able to solely focus on ones work for extended periods of time can prove rather tricky. According to data from call answering, message taking and virtual office specialists MessageBase, the early bird really does catch the worm ? as the post coffee, pre-lunch period […]

Dressing for work with Beyoncé’s PA

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As the personal assistant to Beyonc? – one of the most instantly recognisable and effortlessly stylish women on the planet ? you certainly wouldn?t envy Sam Greenberg?s daily task of choosing something to wear to work. From attending the Grammys in LA on a Tuesday to skydiving over New Zealand with ?Bey? herself on a […]