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Friday, July 17, 2015

The UK’s ‘invisible carers’

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As the government continues to step up its focus on childcare provisions for working mothers and fathers, many feel that employers are neglecting those who balance their professional lives with caring for loved ones. That?s according to new research from My Family Care and enei, which found that UK businesses are not doing enough to […]

Ensure your event runs without a hitch

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Good planning is vital to creating a successful event. Surely if you have planned everything meticulously, what could possibly go wrong? You?ve dotted every I and crossed every T.    Planning events can be fraught and often the cause of countless sleepless nights, worry and stress about how to ensure it is going to be […]

Pulling sickies

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We all know friends or colleagues who have exaggerated cold and flu symptoms to get a day off work. But it appears when it comes to pulling off a convincingly believable sickie; women have been found to be far more convincing than men. A survey carried out by Kaloba Syrup of 10,000 adults, found that […]

Go green and change your mood

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There is now growing evidence that our office environment can have a direct impact on our mental health. It?s no surprise that your job can leave you stressed, but when the office around you acts as a catalyst for such ill health, the longer-term effects could be dangerous. Research conducted by Professor Sir Cary Cooper, […]