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Friday, September 18, 2015

Working fathers want time off for kids

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Recent research conducted by My Family Care shows that working men face huge challenges when it comes to starting a family, despite changes in the national laws on paternity leave. The study reveals:• Two thirds (60%) of fathers who have children under school age say they don’t have a working pattern that suits them• A […]

Smart ways to network at a party

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Reading a room is a skill that can be learned; a guide to nonverbal cues like how people stand or hold their hands. Sue Shellenbarger’s report for the WSJ focuses on the smartest ways to network. Some people enter a room of strangers and move seamlessly from one conversation to another, uncovering new business contacts. […]

The best and worst office views in the UK

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What do you see when you look out the window of your office? Do you even have windows at all? Mobile Slots, a digital entertainment company, recently asked British workers to share the views from their desks, capturing both stunning and depressing sights. The Telegraph recently reported on the competition’s findings. The competition received hundreds […]

A third of us are addicted to mobile phones

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1 in 3 Brits are addicted to checking their mobile phones or know someone who is, new research has found. The study into the mobile phone habits of 1,000 Brits by hosting company 34SP.com, discovered a third of respondents ‘couldn’t live without their mobile phone’, and 1 in 10 spend over five hours every day checking their device. […]