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Monday, September 28, 2015

Former PA sues Joan Jett for unpaid overtime

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It appears even the Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll is prone to diva behaviour, as a former assistant has filed a lawsuit against singer Joan Jett for unpaid overtime. The I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll singer’s reputation for being down to earth is in question following a claim by her ex-PA, Bradley Weinbrand, that she […]

Four million women don’t qualify for auto-enrolment

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A third of women employed in Britain are not eligible for inclusion in a State-backed plan that encourages working-age people to save into a pension. Three years ago, on October 1, the Government launched auto-enrolment, so called because employers are legally bound to sign up workers to a pension scheme – without needing to ask […]

A fifth of women lose hair because of stress

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There is nothing unusual about losing hair — we all shed an average of 100 hairs a day. Most of these, about 80 per cent, are lost when washing or brushing your hair; the rest will simply drift away throughout the day. According to experts however, a fifth of women are losing their hair because […]

Brits are only productive 4.5 hours a day

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“There aren’t enough hours in the day.” How many times have you heard these words muttered in exasperation by a colleague, or even yourself? It may be true that we’re busy, but a new study from Microsoft Office 2016 has found that the average British adult admits to being productive for just four and a […]

Firm in Japan offers ‘crying support’

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The ‘Monday Morning Blues’ – depending on how good our weekend has been, we’ve all suffered from that feeling of impending dread, which can get even the best of us down. But would the prospect of having to wake up to the alarm and trudging into the office be enough to make you cry? It […]