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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The benefits of telecommuting

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Despite living in a world of constant connection through mobile phones, tablets, laptops and an ever-improving internet service, employers are still wary of telecommuting. However, a new study shows remote working actually has positive effects on employee performance. A study by Ravi S Gajendran, a professor of business administration at the University of Illinois, says […]

Win the chance to be featured in PA Life

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PA Life has a lot in store for 2016, so we’d love to get some feedback from our readers on the kind of content they’d like to see. As an added bonus, those who take our short survey will be in with a chance of being featured in the magazine. Our 2015 reader survey gives […]

Commuters miss stops because of late-night phone checks

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UK train commuters admit to missing their stop on their journey to work because they were up late checking their phones, according to new research commissioned by Vodafone. The study found that one in three commuters have slept through their stop because of tiredness, with 28% admitting they frequently wake up during the night to […]

Don’t let your office Halloween antics haunt you

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Regular workdays can be scary enough but throuw Halloween into the mix and it is a virtual land mine of potential horrors. Rowdy pranks. Questionable costumes… Don’t get sucked into these tales of terror. Here’s how to enjoy Halloween in the workplace, without your antics haunting you… Make scares more festive than freaky. Last year, the […]

Ease workplace worries and help the business thrive

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A 2012 study of HR staff found that those who had done an eight-week mindfulness meditation course were less likely to switch between tasks and showed improved memory, while a recent inquiry of public sector workers showed that mindfulness may reduce levels of absenteeism and alleviate stress. With this in mind, every Monday morning at […]