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Friday, November 6, 2015

The EFG London Jazz Festival

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Created in 1992 as an outgrowth of Camden Jazz Week, the EFG London Jazz Festival has since grown into one of the city’s biggest music events. Over 10 days this November, the festival will host over 2,000 artists playing in more than 300 gigs across 50-plus venues in the city, from concert halls to intimate […]

Management-induced stress yields little productivity

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Your ability to concentrate on the task at hand is impeded when you are overly worried about things. This is a main reason why too much management stress rarely leads to the hoped-for productive outcomes. A bit of stress every now and then keeps employees on their toes and wards off complacency, however a steady […]

Working parents & the modern family

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Children are much more likely than not to grow up in a household in which their parents work, and in nearly half of all two-parent families today, both parents work full time, a sharp increase from previous decades. The New York Times have published an aritcle on working parents feeling stressed, tired, rushed and short […]

‘Tis the season to recognise staff

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With Christmas and New Year fast approaching, research has revealed how much of an impact rewards during the festive season can have on a workforce’s productivity levels. A nationwide survey has shown that British workers count ‘feeling valued’ by their boss as the top motivational factor in helping them achieve more during their nine to […]