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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

How to cope with demotivation at work

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We’ve all heard of burnout, which carries serious consequences for employees. But experts now say there’s something called “brownout”, a term used to describe when staff becomes disengaged and demotivated, and it affects behaviour and performance at work. A recent survey by US coaching company Corporate Balance Concepts shows that while 5% of those asked […]

72% rise in workers travelling two or more hours a day

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The number of commuters spending more than two hours travelling to and from work has increased by 72% over the past 10 years, according to a TUC analysis of official figures published this week. The figures – published to mark the start of Commute Smart Week organised by Work Wise UK – show that the […]

Stress-minimizing skincare

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Stress – it’s pretty much inevitable these days. When things get on top of us, it can leave us not only feeling frayed, but looking it too. How many of us could spontaneously pack ourselves off for a week of spiritual hermitage, yoga and meditation in Goa to clear our head? Exactly, it’s not feasible for most. Well fret […]

Penelope Alice samples the Christmas menu at Café Rouge

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“Bon appetit” so the French say. Last night, PA Life Club members were treated to an evening of samples of the Christmas menu at Café Rouge at its St Paul’s location. Of course yours truly had to attend. The swanky restaurant truly looks like a classic French bistro, with red window frames, textured filigree wallpaper […]

1 in 5 plans to take cash from their pensions while still in work

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New research from Portus, the employment benefits consultancy firm, reveals that one in five people (21%) plan to release cash over and above their tax-free lump sum from their pension funds while they are still working. This rises to as much as 27% among employees aged between 55 and 64. Worryingly the main two reasons […]