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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Proof that a little positivity goes a long way

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A culture of fear and high pressure has long been the way companies cultivate productivity. But research shows there has been a shift in what motivates people and it points to positive psychology as an essential tool. The age-old presumption that stress makes you work harder may be true, but high levels of pressure can […]

Say goodbye to 9 to 5

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Have you ever had one of those days when it seems impossible to get out of bed in time to be at the office at 9am sharp? Or are you the type to get in bright and early to get more work done so you can have an easy afternoon? What if you could show […]

Malaysia Airlines and Emirates sign agreement to expand partnership

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An existing interline agreement has been enhanced to a reciprocal codeshare partnership between Malaysia Airlines and Emirates who have announced it will give their customers a seamless international network connecting Malaysia to more than 90 destinations on the Emirates network across Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas, exclusive frequent flyer benefits and world-class travel experiences. […]

Two-thirds of UK employees have never received any financial education

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Two-thirds (64%) of UK employees have never received any personal finance education, according to research commissioned on behalf of the Open University Business School (OUBS) and Share Radio.  The research also revealed that while many employees claim to have a reasonable level of financial knowledge, what they have most recently learnt has often been the result […]

How happy is the nation’s workforce?

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In the run up to the festive season, most of us are counting down the days to enjoy a well-earned break. Spirits tend to be up around Christmas, but how happy are people in their line of work throughout the rest of the year? To find out, Workwear Express surveyed 1,020 adults currently in employment […]

Fancy a bit of spice?

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In search of a curry fix? Experience the authentic tastes and flavours of regional Indian cuisine at the newly refurbished Daawat restaurant.   Most of the globe’s great cuisines derive from the foundation of mélange and there’s only one emperor among them.   Indian cuisine is unique in its cooking methods and range of ingredients, […]