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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Would you like to be featured in PA Life magazine?

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Hi All! Many of you have spoken to us about becoming much more involved with PA Life magazine – which is fantastic news for us, as it means that by doing so, we will continue to produce current, relevant and authentic content, tailored to you and your professional needs. We are therefore looking for contributors to provide information for our […]

Stress activates calorie-burning ‘brown fat’

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While one study shows that 33% of Brits reach for snacks during times of stress, another piece of research has found higher cortisol levels can actually help burn calories. A study published in Experimental Physiology says the body’s reaction to stress varies from person to person. While it triggers excessive eating in some, others actually […]

HR professionals falling short on duty of care

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New research commissioned by Collinson Group has found the majority of HR professionals (58%) believe the process of sending employees abroad has got more complicated and difficult from a duty of care perspective over the past 12 months. At a time of heightened global travel risks, the study also found more than half (54%) believe […]

office* launches new Office Manager & PA Supplier Awards for 2016

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office* – the award-winning business event for executive office support professionals, has launched a new set of awards to recognise the outstanding brands and suppliers serving the UK’s office manager and PA community. PAs, EAs, VAs, and office managers are invited to vote for their favourite UK suppliers across ten categories – covering everything from […]

Recruiters struggling to adapt to demographic changes

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Recruiters must do more to adapt to demographic changes and connect with emerging talent if they are to fill skills gaps opening as the older generation starts to leave the workplace, according to Charles Hipps, CEO at WCN. As baby boomers start to leave the workforce a generational shift occurs, causing millennials to become the […]

Hilton Bankside launches events & conference spaces

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Last Thursday, event professionals, Bankside businesses and London press gathered for the launch of Hilton Bankside’s events and conference spaces in the impressive Ballroom of the hotel. Guests were treated to an array of special events throughout the evening, including champagne and cocktails served by flair bartenders alongside a number of food stations courtesy of […]

How fear affects business

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With oil price at record lows, increasing competition from China and emerging economies, the threat of terrorism, and the slow recovery from recession, cognitive neuroscientist and psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw argues that business leaders are feeling a surge in anxiety that they are not equipped to deal with and are less likely to take even calculated risks. “Fear can be […]