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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

One million Brits can now clear their debts through their employer

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A new employee benefit – enabling employees in the UK to take control of their finances, especially those who are experiencing difficulties managing their debt – is now available to one million people across the country. SalaryFinance offers UK businesses an employee benefit allowing staff to consolidate their existing personal debts and repay them via […]

How fast should you respond to emails?

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Imagine you’re a member of a workplace group asked via email to evaluate an idea. Do you supply your thoughts quickly? Or take time before responding? Your best approach depends on your status within the group, suggests new research from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. “If you’re low on the totem pole, […]

Workers looking for love at the office

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A study by Morgan Pryce, London-based commercial property agents, reveals that 50% of UK workers are open to the prospect of office romance. The 2016 study asked those of working age (between 16-65 years) within London and surrounding boroughs if they would consider looking for romance at work. More than half of those under 34 […]

UK employees are a happy bunch

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New research reveals that British employees are, on the whole, happy at work, with a third feeling inspired to succeed every day and 70% feeling positive more than three days a week. This counters a common misconception that we’re a nation of disgruntled employees pushing paper. Ahead of the second Employee Motivation Day on 25 […]

Half of British women aren’t getting enough sleep

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Almost half of British women say they are not getting enough sleep and don’t feel well-rested when they wake up (43% and 48%). According to the findings from a survey of more than 4,100 UK adults supported by the Sleep Apnoea Trust Association (SATA) and conducted by YouGov for ResMed Ltd, women are more likely […]

UK workers spend 30% of their week in status meetings

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Clarizen, producer of collaborative work management software, recently announced survey results that show UK workers spend as much as 30% of their working week (assuming a 40-hour week) preparing for and attending status meetings – on average 11.5 hours per week. Preparing for these meetings often takes as long as the meetings themselves. 65% of […]

Employers ‘assuming annual pension allowance is £10,000’ to avoid issues

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Employers are increasingly deciding that the safest course of action is to assume annual pension contribution allowances are limited to £10,000 for higher paid staff to avoid the risk of unexpected tax charges, leading employee benefits consultancy Portus warns. It says employers are worried their staff could face tax charges before it is too late […]