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Monday, May 23, 2016

Speak up at the PA Life Training Day

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Assistants often know more about the business than the team members of those they support. However, sometimes they don’t recognise or appreciate this or the behavioural skills they have. Nick Fewings from Ngagementworks will be on hand at the next PA Life Training Day to teach attendees how to realise their potential – and speak […]

Decrease in sexual harassment claims – but it’s not all good news

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A new report by the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) shows there has been a 51% drop in sexual harassment and discrimination claims in the last year. That statistic would be good news if not for a 14% increase in calls to the organisation’s helpline seeking advice on harassment at work. According to The […]

Perceived fairness at work affects employee health

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Employees’ individual experience of fairness at work can have an impact on their health, according to a new study conducted in conjunction with the University of East Anglia. The research, done in partnership with Stockholm University, looked at whether perceptions of ‘procedural justice’, such as processes for rewards, pay, promotion and assignments, are related to […]