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Thursday, June 9, 2016

48% increase in visitors for the Conference and Hospitality Show 2016

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The Conference and Hospitality Show (CHS) has reported a 48% increase in visitor attendance for the 2016 show. Hosted buyers increased by 35% and the total attendance figure increased by 66%. CHS, which is now in its seventh year, was held on 26 April at the first direct Arena, Leeds. The show is focused on […]

PSI-Pay and Kerv partner to release the world’s first contactless payment ring

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PSI-Pay and Kerv Wearables have announced they are partnering up to enable the world’s first contactless payment ring to be released to the global market. PSI-Pay is one of the UK’s leading regulated Fintech companies, providing digital account and payment card facilities to the international market and Kerv is one of the leading innovators in […]

Joosr launches commuter-friendly business book summaries

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A new service has launched in the UK called Joosr – providing downloadable non-fiction book summaries that can be read in just 20 minutes. The subscription-based app offers top-quality summaries of some of the world’s most influential books on business, entrepreneurship, careers, money and leadership, condensed by a team of highly trained professional writers. Joosr offers a free trial to allow readers to experience […]

The perfect colleague revealed

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Social traits like optimism, empathy and trustworthiness have dominated a list of the top 10 qualities British workers desire the most in colleagues. A survey of 2,009 UK adults by the One4all Rewards Spotlight Awards, which is encouraging workers to nominate colleagues for recognition and rewards, quizzed respondents on the traits they value the most […]

Employees likely to pull a sickie after Euro 2016 games

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Almost three quarters (73%) of UK Human Resources (HR) Directors believe employees are likely to call in sick or make an excuse for skipping work the day after a major sporting event such as the UEFA Euro 2016, with more than a fifth (21%) considering it ‘very likely’, according to research from Robert Half UK. […]