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Thursday, June 16, 2016

4 types of people to avoid at work

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Office politics are never easy to navigate and sometimes it’s hard to tell who you can trust at work. Luckily, business Professor Kimberly A Whitler recently wrote an article for Forbes in which she described the four types of people you need to avoid at the office. 1 Climbers – These people will stop at […]

8 ways to do more work in less time

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Sometimes it’s true that there aren’t enough hours in the day to complete all the tasks we need to do, especially if you’re trying to achieve a better work-life balance. Writing for The Guardian, Oxford University Saïd Business School’s Mark McCartney outlined eight ways you can do more work in the shortest time. 1 Lock […]

UK companies sceptical about gender pay gap reporting regulations

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UK companies are sceptical about the impact the new Gender Pay Gap reporting requirements will have, according to a new survey by Mercer. The research found that although 74% of firms agree with the principle of gender pay gap reporting, over half (52%) are either unsure or think the current proposals will make little or […]

Checking in: Clevedon Hall, Somerset

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Here at PA Life, we are always on the look-out for top-class event venues outside the capital, writes Daniel Fountain. And after a recent trip to Clevedon Hall in Somerset, we’re certain we’ve discovered a gem. Less than 15 miles from Bristol city centre, with stunning grounds and sea views, this Victorian mansion conversion is […]

Home workers happier despite choosing to work more hours

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New research has found that home workers are happy despite choosing to work more hours than when they worked in traditional offices, according to customer service provider Sensée. Despite opting to work more hours daily, the research found that home workers are happier because they’re empowered to choose the hours they work so they can […]