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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Sunderland hairdresser becomes PA to Kris Jenner

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A 27-year-old hairdresser from Sunderland is seeing sunnier skies as the personal assistant to Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner following a move to Los Angeles. Elisa Fromson moved to LA five years ago to pursue her dream of studying fashion. She later took a position as an intern at Jenner Communications. Elisa says she had been […]

Avoid these words to sound more confident

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While body language and appearance are incredibly important in face-to-face communication, you also have to speak with conviction. Whether we know it or not, we all judge people on their choice of words. Here are a few phrases you should avoid to sound more confident when you’re speaking to your boss or clients. “Just” ­– […]

Conference Top Picks

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Discover your perfect conference venue, whether it’s at St George’s Park or The Grand York Hotel. Or if you’re looking for something different, experience Ziferblat’s new pay-per-minute meeting room, plus more in our June Conference Top Picks St George’s Park St George’s Park is a world-class high-performance training centre and the home of 24 England […]

App of the week: Citymapper

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Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week’s spotlight: Citymapper. An intro to Citymapper Available for iOS and Android, Citymapper is a […]

Globe-trotting chef takes up top post at Tudor Park

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Meet Tudor Park’s new Executive Head Chef Alfonso Salvaggio. He has recently swapped a jeep, sand and the stifling heat of Dubai for lush green surroundings and a golf buggy at the four-star Marriott Hotel & Country Club in Bearsted – and says he and his young family couldn’t be happier. “It is so fantastic […]