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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How to talk about a job you hate

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In an ideal world, we’d all get along famously with our bosses and get paid exorbitant amounts of money to do so. Since that’s not always a reality, it’s important to learn how to discuss a terrible job while you’re looking for a new one. Here are some great tips for different scenarios from The […]

Time for change: How to be an adaptable employee

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Things rarely stay the same in the modern business world, especially now that Millennials are taking over and Generation Z is entering the workforce. Just as the chameleon has learned to change its colour to camouflage itself, you too must learn to accept change. It’s now more important than ever to remain flexible at work, […]

6 steps to take to improve your focus

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While the ability to multi-task is often seen as something to brag about, research shows it might actually be detrimental to your focus. If you find it hard to concentrate on one task at a time, here are some steps you can take to re-train your brain from psychology professor Daniel Levitin from McGill University […]

Businesses struggle to deal with staff bereavement

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Businesses are not prepared to deal with the impact of staff bereavement and terminal illnesses in the workplace, new research from MetLife Employee Benefits shows. The MetLife study found nearly half (45%) of HR departments do not have agreed policies in place to cope with the aftermath of the death of an employee and two-thirds […]

CrossCountry waives admin fees for changing date and time of pre-booked tickets

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In a rail industry exclusive, leading train company CrossCountry has today announced it has removed the administration fee charged when customers need to change the date or time of their Advance ticket. Because Advance tickets are intended for specific trains and set times, the rail industry charges a £10 administration fee if a customer needs […]