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Friday, January 13, 2017

Americans spend 15 hours a week procrastinating

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Our counterparts across the pond are falling behind when it comes to solving issues and getting key jobs done. New research shows Americans spend an average of 15 hours a week procrastinating. Over the course of a working life, that adds up to five years putting off important tasks, according to a survey by OnePoll […]

Get back on track with these 8 time management tips

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Time management is one of those skills that everyone in every industry needs. PAs have so many things to do in a day that it’s essential to stay on track to get it all done. If you’re having trouble, follow these eight tips from The Muse to get back on schedule. These 8 time management […]

How businesses can beat Blue Monday and combat rising stress levels

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Blue Monday, officially known as the most depressing day of the year and generally marked by rising employee absence rates, will hit UK workforces next Monday (16 January). Adrian Lewis, Director of Activ Absence says that companies should not only expect the usual bout of seasonal illnesses, but be on the lookout for signs of […]

UK employees more likely to pull a sickie in the first quarter

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With Blue Monday coming up on 16 January, morale is low across the UK. New research shows employees are more likely to pull a sickie in the first quarter (January to March) than any other time of year. A survey conducted by workforce management software and services company Kronos reveals 37% of Brits predicted that […]

Top 10 stories of the week

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We’ve made it through the second week of 2017! Let’s hope it’s smooth sailing from here on out. Although, next week brings Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year according to researchers. It doesn’t sound great, but a little bit of positivity can help us through it. So let’s take a look at […]

Over a quarter of Brits blame basic holiday allowance for their lack of productivity

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Holiday rental company Optima Villas asked 10,000 Brits whether they were happy with their holiday allowance at work, and what would make them more productive during office hours – and between flexitime and better training opportunities, it seems there’s plenty of room to motivate employees across the UK. After the BBC reported in October last year […]