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Tuesday, March 27, 2018

March/April 2018

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Brits will waste £30,000 during their lifetime

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On average Brits will waste more than £30,000 during their lifetime, after losing track of monthly direct debits. Researchers who carried out a study on behalf of Sky Mobile found the typical adult pays out over £111 in direct debits every month, with £40 of that being spent on products or services that are forgotten […]

Gender pay gap could take 170 years to close

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Despite the pay gap in the UK steadily closing, the average woman in the workplace still earns 9.1 per cent less than the average man, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Instant Offices looked into this further and discovered that men working full time earned an average of £592 a week in April […]

Why your GP wants to encourage employees to take a lunch break

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We chat to Dr Preethi Daniel, from London Doctors Clinic, to find out the importance of having a lunch break and what employers can do to support their staff How does food Improve concentration, productivity and healthiness? The right foods will improve brain function – well, nothing new there, I hear you say. But paying […]