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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Retirement unlikely for millennials

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Gardening and golfing are off the menu for almost a quarter of millennials who are convinced they’ll never be able to retire Some 24 per cent of 18-35 year olds believe they will never be able to afford to retire, according to a new survey. And the same amount are worried that they will have to continue working […]

Women *still* facing discrimination over family plans

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Here’s another one to file under ‘how depressing’… a new survey has revealed that almost one in three bosses wouldn’t hire a female applicant in case they become pregnant soon. This form of employment discrimination is illegal, of course, but that hasn’t stopped senior executives from passing over women during the recruitment process. Indeed, some […]

PA Life Reader Survey 2018 results

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It’s that time of year again, where we get our loyal readers to air their thoughts on the PA Life brand and what they’d like to see more of. We also wanted to find out what our readers’ job roles entailed spanning their choices on sourcing business travel and corporate gifts, to finding venues and […]

How to handle an office relocation

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An office move can be an overwhelming project, with many factors coming into play from the new office’s location, its transport links and whether it has enough parking spaces. Simon Gammell, director at Crown Workspace, shares his top five tips to help ease the whole process. As a PA, you tend to know the ins […]