Daily Archives :

Monday, March 25, 2019

Times have changed – And it’s time the workplace did too

  • Katy
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Workplace culture is a hot topic and one that never fails to raise a reaction. Harpreet Singh, Executive Director at technology and management consultancy Brickendon offers some thoughts… In November 2018, tens of thousands of Google employees conducted a worldwide walkout targeting workplace culture less than a year after the internet giant topped Fortune magazine’s list of best […]

Is social media an effective recruitment tool?

  • Katy
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According to research by The Open University Business, the total cost of the UK skills shortage is £6.3 billion a year and SMEs, which make up a large portion of businesses in the UK, shoulder the majority of the cost. Around 69 per cent of SMEs think that large employers monopolise the best talent and […]

Colleagues blowing hot and cold – the big office temperature debate

  • Katy
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Have you ever felt unproductive at work because the temperature is just too hot for you to concentrate? Ever wrapped up in extra layers to keep warm whilst your colleagues complain they’re too hot? Then it sounds like you’ve been at the centre of the office temperature debate. Flexible office specialist Workthere has conducted research into the age-old office temperature debate. According to this research, […]