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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Presenteeism ‘inadvisable for businesses during coronavirus outbreak’

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We asked Hira Ali, author of Her Way To The Top: A Guide To Smashing The Glass Ceiling, to explain more about presenteeism amidst the coronavirus outbreak… Why do some people suffer from presenteeism more than others? Being absent or working from home is traditionally associated with laziness. There is also a long standing office […]

Coronavirus: Events industry urges ‘business as usual’ and positivity

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Events industry associations AEV, AEO and ESSA have taken steps to reassure their members and the public, while lobbying for government support, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. In a joint statement, the trade bodies have asserted that attending events is no more of a risk to people than riding public transport, relaying messages […]

Workplace Wellbeing: How to create a workplace culture that manages stress

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CABA, the wellbeing charity, shares its advice on creating cultures that help to manage stress in the workplace… The past few years have seen many traditional taboos broken and developments in the workplace have reflected this, such as the introduction of shared paternity leave and the increasing conversation around the impact of the menopause at work. […]