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Friday, January 22, 2021

How to help you and your team cope with the new normal

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By Shane Mansfield, Marketing Director at City Pantryย  Itโ€™s that time of year when we start seeing โ€˜Blue Mondayโ€™ being posted about, arguably being the most โ€˜depressing day of the yearโ€™, and while not everyone might agree with it, itโ€™s fair to say that the last year has left many feeling isolated, anxious and stressed.ย  […]

Greengage launches ECOsmart sustainable hotels and venues directory

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Greengage Travel and Event Solutions has launched the ECOsmart Hotels & Venues Directory, showcasing hand-picked properties across the UK that demonstrate an eco-friendly approach. The programme is designed to make it easier for event organisers and corporate travellers looking for greener meeting or accommodation options. Andrew Perolls, CEO of Greengage Travel & Event Solutions, feels […]

Seven self-care tips for SAD employees

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Blue Monday, which took place on Monday, is a timely reminder to protect our mental health at the start of a new year, which can only be helpful, according to RedArc. With that in mind, Alison Simmons, Senior Mental Health Nurse from RedArc has put together seven self-care tips for lifting employeesโ€™ mood during the […]

5 minutes withโ€ฆ AMEX GBTโ€™s Marilyn Markham on what to Expect When Travelling During COVID-19

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Contemplating travelling in the near future? What can you expect when you venture out to an airport, train station, or hotel? How will the COVID-19 vaccine impact traveller requirements? We spoke to Marilyn Markham, Head of the Salesforce Centre of Excellence at American Express Global Business Travel (GBT), about what you need to consider when […]

From venue to vaccination hub

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Recently the news has been filled with venues offering their facilities to the NHS. In England, COVID-19 vaccines are being delivered from 206 hospital hubs,ย 1,200 local vaccination service sites and 50 vaccination centres located in large-scale venues, such as football stadiums. Here are just some of the venues who have opened their doors: Hampshire Court […]