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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Most employees in the UK and Ireland are reluctant to return to the office

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The majority (67%) of UK and Irish office workers are reluctant to return to the office post-Covid. That’s according to a new European study by global workplace creation experts Unispace. The study – which combined the results of an in-depth survey of 3,000 office workers, 2,750 employers in leadership roles at organisations with 50+ employees, […]

Five ways for employers to improve men’s health and wellbeing

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This Men’s Health Awareness month, Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing is raising awareness of the growing mental and physical health risks for men and offering businesses five ways to better support men’s health and wellbeing. Research from the UK charity Men’s Health Forum highlights that one man in five dies before he reaches 65 in the UK. 75% […]

Only 57% of employees always check their payslips

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Millions of UK workers may be at risk of being underpaid or overtaxed because they don’t regularly check their payslips, according to the results of a new survey. Polling over 1,000 people, HR and payroll software provider CIPHR found that nearly a quarter (22%) don’t regularly check their payslips, despite their importance for keeping track […]

One in five employers do not provide ill-health prevention support to staff

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Twenty-one per cent of employers, or one in five, are missing a trick by not supporting the prevention of ill-health in their staff, according to research undertaken on behalf of GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Employers who do provide health and wellbeing support to help prevent employees becoming ill, stated […]

82% of UK office works want more team-building events

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The majority of UK workers (82%) want their workplace to provide more frequent team-building events, a new survey has revealed. The Lunch Break Bonding survey, conducted by Just Eat for Business, delves into office workers’ perception of social lunch breaks, scheduled meetings and team building events, and is paired with expert commentary on the importance of […]