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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Office & Event Technology at the top of your wish list? Check out the PA Life Recommended Supplier Directory!

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If you’re looking for partners to help with office or event tech after lockdown, the PA Life Recommended Supplier Directory is home to dozens of trusted partners ready to help. Our list of specialists covers everything from Audiovisual and Stand Builds to Lighting and Health & Safety – There’s something to suit every requirement! Start […]

The UK’s kindest work colleagues revealed

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London has been revealed as the location where people spend the most on their co-workers, according to a new survey. With the festive season in full swing, a new survey conducted by Cartwright and Butler, has looked to find where the most generous colleagues in the UK are located. London was found to be the […]

Nine in 10 British adults set to travel 300+ miles to celebrate Christmas

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In total, 339 miles are typically travelled during the month of December alone, as people make the most of their freedom and go to parties, pantos and plays. This equates to a collective 10.5billion miles nationwide, across the 31million motorists who will take to the road. Almost 100 miles will be driven visiting friends and […]

Home deliveries during Zoom calls – what do you do…?

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According to new research, more than a third (34%) of people working from home in the UK have surreptitiously turned off their camera during a work video call and sneaked away to receive a home delivery. It rises to nearly half (42%) of people under 35. One in five (18%) have exited a work call […]

The top five worst WFH habits being brought into the office

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New research from Kadence has revealed the bad habits that people are noticing in their colleagues since returning to the office. While many workers have become used to working from home over the past 21 months, the survey of 2,000 UK and US office workers suggests that some forget that they’re not at home. From […]