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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Skills England and end to zero-hours contracts introduced in the King’s Speech

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There is much enthusiasm about the Skill England charter introduced by the new Labour Government. The King’s Speech outlined the changes at the State Opening of the Parliament after the recent general election. This sends important signals of change to come for the UK skills base under new Government, says NCUB. Changes are also welcomed […]

Venues of Excellence welcomes three new members

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The UK’s leading sales and marketing consortium Venues of Excellence welcomes three new members to join its membership. Increasingly, more unique, independent and diverse venues see the consortium as a natural partner to support their business… Quality and excellence have always been key factors for Venues of Excellence (VOE) when auditing potential new members. It’s […]

Why corporate clients prefer personalised travel services

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In the corporate travel world, personalised service can make all the difference. Imagine having your unique needs as a corporate travel client met. Imagine receiving high-touch experience that exceeds your expectations. From seamless communication to swift emergency assistance, here are some of the ways independent travel advisors are delivering top-notch service every step of the […]