How your business can reduce scope 3 emissions with employee shuttles

reduce scope 3 emissions with employee shuttle services

The importance of scope 3 emissions is continuing to rise, so taking this into consideration now when preparing your 2024 strategy will inevitably put your business in a better position in years to come when scope 3 emissions become a mandatory part of your business activity.

If you’re not familiar, scope 3 emissions are indirect value-chain emissions that include transport and distribution, investment, leased assets and employee commuting. 

The ways to reduce scope 3 emissions vary based on where an organisation’s value-chain emissions are produced. Reducing them enables you to avoid risks, be more innovative in the way you operate and provide more accurate reporting where necessary.

Employee shuttle services are a great way to reduce scope 3 emissions

Staff Shuttles also known as ‘employee’ shuttle services, and ‘corporate’ shuttle services are an immediate solution to reducing Scope 3 emissions that result from business travel and transportation. Buses and coaches are one of the greenest forms of road transportation, a fully loaded double-decker bus could take up to 75 cars off the road. 

As we continue the journey to Net Zero, Coaches will continue to play an important role in achieving the goal. 56% of carbon dioxide emissions come from cars & taxis, just 3% come from buses & coaches, so they are a viable solution. With staff shuttles, routes to and from your place of work can be bespoke to your employee’s needs. Providing employee transportation reduces the reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and instead encourages a modal shift to a staff shuttle service.

Staff shuttles are unique in that they can be demand-responsive to accommodate employees. Introducing them into your business elevates the value proposition of your organisation, from gaining the competitive edge – standing out within your industry. Significantly reducing onsite parking lots, widening your recruitment catchment, attracting skilled employees irrespective of the distance to the main working hub. To improve productivity, catering to the working needs of staff and minimising absenteeism and lateness of employees.

Staff shuttles present many carbon reduction opportunities. Now’s the time to take advantage of this and reduce your employee’s carbon footprints while reducing your organisation’s scope 3 emissions.

Discover how National Express Transport Solutions can elevate your business value from providing optimised solutions to reduce your scope 3 emissions,  to providing private hire coaches for your businesses next event


We are here to get you on the road to being carbon neutral.


03330 601 582

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