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MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK: How can technology help reduce stress in the workplace?

59% of UK adults experience stress in the workplace but could business technology provide a means to help reduce this figure? The combination of technology and mental health can often have negative connotations. There is plenty of media attention surrounding the negative impact the former can have on the latter. In fact, there is research identifying that social media and…

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A little help for our friends (and a chance to win a Sandals break!)…

Voted the ‘Caribbean’s Most Romantic Resort’ year after year, Sandals is calling on the readers of PA Life to help them win Gold at the 2020 M&IT Awards, along with the chance of winning a seven night stay at the luxury resort… Organised by Meetings & Incentive Travel magazine, the M&IT Awards is the biggest events industry awards in the…

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7 in 10 European corporate travel decision makers expect travel budgets to rise

Seven in ten European corporate travel decision makers (CTDMs) anticipate their travel budget will increase in 2019, with 16 per cent saying they expect their budget to significantly increase. That’s according to a recent study by Cvent entitled ‘The European Travel Manager in 2019. The report reveals that 25 per cent of CTDMs said their budget would remain unchanged, while…

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Video conferencing is a huge boon to business – when it works…

The overwhelming majority of businesses (90 per cent) have reported experiencing challenges when connecting to video conference calls. This is according to a new survey from StarLeaf, conducted by Vanson Bourne, which featured responses from 500 IT decision-makers and line-of-business leaders in the UK, France, Germany and the US, and from a broad spectrum of private sector enterprises (with over…

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44% of Brits not using their holiday allowance

23% ended their last working year with more than 5 days holiday not taken. Forty-four per cent of Brits aren’t using their full holiday allowance, according to new data from tombola. A survey of the nation exposed the depth of the problem, with respondents citing that they are too busy at work or don’t have anywhere to go as their top…

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Should recruiters favour education over potential?

Looking for the right candidate can be difficult, with people from all different background, levels of education and experience fighting it out to be your next employee. Vincenzo Ferrara looks into the argument about at who you should hire and who you should avoid. British businesses are at risk of losing out on the greatest candidates, as many stick to recruiting…

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What’s the next stop for business travel?

Business travel has changed dramatically over the course of the last quarter of a century but what does the future have in store? Rochelle Jayawardena, group marketing manager for the Business Travel Show, talks about what we can expect on the next leg of the journey. We’re such consummate travellers these days, we hardly bat an eye about researching, booking…

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Are men more able to start their own business than women?

In 2019, 101 years since women were given the vote, men are still seen to be more likely to have the time, money and confidence to start their own company, according to the latest research by IW Capital. Why are so few women, relatively speaking, launching businesses in the UK? The Government is so worried by the latest data on…

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Fat Cat Friday: Top execs have already earned an average worker’s wage

Top bosses are earning more than 133 times than the average worker, a new report by CIPD has found. It’s only the first week of January and plenty of us are still feeling the sting on our bank balances following the expenses of Christmas and New Year, however there are a select few whose wallets aren’t suffering at all. Today…

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Give up meat, not alcohol this January

The latest diet fad that hopes to make you feel fit and healthy in 2019 is to keep the booze and ditch the meat for January. Otherwise known as Veganuary, the craze hopes that people will give up meat to benefit both their individual health and the environment. Figures released by has revealed the UK is now as likely…

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Not paid enough to care?

When many of us get asked to complete tasks at work that make us overly stressed, we often resort to completing the job while well in the knowledge that we aren’t paid anywhere near the amount of our boss – whose job it actually is to complete the task or make the decision. PAs are constantly given the ‘smaller decisions’…

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Workers’ rights get 21st century upgrade

Gig economy workers are becoming more popular with employers. Choosing to hire freelancers and staff on short-term contracts over those who would stay with a company indefinitely has fast become a trend that often sees workers lose out. The benefits for an individual to become a freelancer or work short-term contacts are widely known, these include: Better pay, flexibility and…

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How to future-proof customer experience for 2019

If you want your business to rise above the rest in 2019, you need to provide the best possible customer service. In this article, we look at five ways you can take advantage of technology and innovation to boost your customer service. A study conducted this year by Accenture found that two-thirds of large companies currently face high levels of…

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Buyers fear long haul Brexit challenges

A Business Travel Show survey has revealed that Brexit is not only the biggest challenge facing buyers next year, but it will also continue to cause them problems as far ahead as 2022. For the first time in four years, cost-cutting was knocked off the top spot of the list of forthcoming challenges to be replaced by Brexit, which shot up from…

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What will the future of the office look like?

With technology becoming more advanced every day, our working habits are changing at a rate unparalleled to any time in history previously. We are having to change and adapt to new surroundings and environments. So why would your office carry on looking the same? Even though no one can be sure what the office of the future will look like,…

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PA Life Christmas Party Awards: Shortlist announced – vote for your winners now

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How to be the game-changer in your business

Lucy Chamberlain, the founder and CEO of C&C Search, explains how changing one’s mindset can help PAs unlock super powers in order to make a difference and add value in their business. In today’s business world, you very rarely luck into things. The rise of the gig economy and multi-hyphen careers means PAs need to leverage emotional intelligence, actively seek out opportunities for personal growth and think big in terms…

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Why it pays to celebrate Christmas responsibly

We are venturing closer to the biggest work event of the year, the Christmas party. A time for your employees to let their hair down and relax while you supply them with a good time. But sometimes, the good times go a little bit too far and people start to act in an unacceptable manner, so does it pay to…

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