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Ahead Business Consulting

Four-day working weeks… are they the future?

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By Neil Bradbrook, Managing Director, Ahead Business Consulting… A couple of weeks ago, Atom Bank announced that their staff were moving to a four-day working week with no loss of pay. Sounds great – but is it really? Well – yes and no. It is a good step – but only a step – in […]

A tasty bit of advice: Why all businesses should think more about PIES

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By Neil Bradbrook, MD of Ahead Business Consulting… As a Lancashire lad, it would be strange if I were not a fan – not to say an aficionado – of pies; I remember many a happy moment munching on a steak pudding from Greenhalgh’s of Bolton. But, while I am happy to make the case […]

Why sustainability is important for businesses – but planting a tree isn’t the answer…

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By Neil Bradbrook, MD, Ahead Business Consulting As the dust settles on COP26, which rather predictably failed to fulfil hopes and promises, the obvious question is: what next? Pandemics excepted, COPs normally take place every year. COP26 was important – not because Scotland was hosting, but because it is five COPs on from Paris, where […]