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The Venues Collection Launches Apprenticeship Charter

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The Venues Collection, a nationwide provider of training and conference facilities, has launched an Apprenticeship Charter to help and reassure businesses when selecting appropriate accommodation for their apprentices who completing their off-the-job training phases. The Charter outlines The Venues Collection’s commitment and demonstrates its expertise and specialisation in providing accommodation and training rooms tailored to the […]

What Every Employer Needs to Know About Apprenticeships

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With the 12th annual National Apprenticeship Week approaching, Sarah Garner, Solicitor at DAS Law, explains what factors employers and young people need to consider regarding apprenticeship schemes and their legal obligations… What is an apprenticeship? An apprenticeship is an agreement between an individual and an employer where work will be provided for the employer in return for training to […]

Parents unaware of apprenticeship options

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Parents of young people in the UK don’t know what an apprenticeship is, signaling a wider awareness problem which is impacting career choices and creating a skills gaps in key industries. The research, conducted by ABM UK, follows news of the T-levels programme and the Apprentice Levy – which aim to present young people with […]

Apprenticeship levy isn’t adding value to training, says employers

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Over half of employers (53 per cent) who are paying the apprenticeship levy would like to see it replaced with a training version instead. Despite 46 per cent of levy-paying employers believing that the tax will help them to relaunch current training to claim back the allowance, one in ten said it will make little […]

Students choosing skill-based courses as graduates regret academic courses

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University applications have seen a fall in recent years as people are entering the world of work at younger ages, with the country finding itself in the middle of a boom for academic alternatives. Seeing a shift in the way young people are making their future decisions, training specialist The Knowledge Academy has investigated which […]