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Posts Tagged :

back pain

WFH taking its toll on office workers

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After a year and a half of working from home, many workers admit they’ve found themselves working from some unusual spaces in an effort to find some peace and quiet during the workday. In a new poll of 2,000 individuals who have worked from home throughout the pandemic, 41% share that they have found themselves […]

Working from home? Here’s how to protect your back

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With varying Government guidelines in place across the country, many will find themselves continuing to work from home. Exploring the nation’s relationship with their sofa and desk chair, polled Brits to find out how many suffer from back pain. Using this insight, experts reveal the best and worst seating positions for your back, whilst we […]

11 million home workers in pain

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Millions of Brits are in pain as a result of their makeshift home offices during lockdown. People have been urged to work from home to help contain the COVID-19 pandemic – something that is likely to continue even as lockdown measures are relaxed. But according to new research from Bupa UK nearly two thirds (63%), equating to 11 […]

How to: Avoid posture-related injuries at work

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The increase in posture-related injuries has coincided with the rise in remote working.’s home and interiors expert Diane Cootes shares her tips on how to set up your home office to avoid back pain and RSI… According to a recent TUC study, there are 373,000 more employees working from home than 10 years ago […]

Work out at work

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Office workers’ sedentary lifestyle poses a risk to their health, says Peter Haling from The Health Quest. Here are his tips for busy PAs to sneak in a bit of exercise at their desk Anyone who’s ever had back pain will know just how debilitating it can be. According to the UK Statistics Authority (2015), […]

Experts warn office workers to be aware of their posture

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Paying attention to posture at work could save companies millions in employee sick days, says neck and spine authority NeckStar. Research has shown that back pain is one of the leading reasons for absence at work, with around three million individuals citing it as a cause for sick leave last year. Sick days cost UK […]

Half of adults over 40 suffer from back pain

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They say life begins at forty – but the 51% of people crippled with back pain would disagree. Experts polling 2000 men and women over the age of 40 have discovered more than half regularly suffer from debilitating aches and pains across their neck and back, with sitting at a desk all day coming in […]

Standing desks aren’t the cure for back pain, say researchers

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Standing and variable height desks can be found in many modern offices around the world, but a researcher says they may not be a solution to the workforce’s growing back problems. Dr Nipun Shrestha of the Health Research and Social Development Forum in Nepal has found “very little difference in energy expenditure between sitting and […]