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PA Life Club: Penelope Alice heads to Chanel’s studio with Fello and Sixt

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Getting the chance to have your make-up or nails done, while sampling some fantastic fizz and getting the chance to network certainly is my idea of a great night with colleagues and peers, and that’s just what me and some PA Life Club members got to enjoy this week. We headed to the Chanel studio […]

Interview: Fello’s Simone Buckley on the changing world of business travel

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Having worked with PAs for over 23 years, travel management company Fello knows how to make booking business travel simple and effective. Simone Buckley, group CEO of Fello shares some helpful tips and tricks for assistants to make the most of and why technology is having such an impact on travel. Can you tell us […]

PA Life Club: Join Fello for a beauty experience at Chanel’s studios

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PA Life Club members are invited to join the team from travel management company (TMC) Fello and Sixt for an exclusive beauty experience with Chanel. Taking place on November 21 from 6pm to 9.00pm at the Chanel London Studios in Old Spitalfields Market, guests will get the chance to win several prizes, while also taking home a […]