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5 ways to make a career break confidence boosting, not confidence busting

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Data shows that in the last two years alone, 88% of employees have experienced burnout from their work. So, when you notice your motivation for your job has decreased, what can you do to boost yourself back up? Gary Clark, gap year course expert and Academy Director at SIA Austria, says: “If you’re finding that […]

Is this thing on? Communications experts reveal tips for public speaking

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Public speaking is a vital skill for most professionals today. You don’t have to be a public figure to need the skills on communication effectively to an audience. Like with any skill, practice makes perfect and there are also easy to follow tips on what to avoid and what to remember to include in your […]

The truth behind first impressions

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What makes a good first impression? Is it all about image? Can you bounce back from an embarrassing initial encounter? Lenstore reveals a new survey on the physical characteristics we find most attractive. We’ve always been quick to judge. As a society we tend to ‘shoot from the hip’ when it comes to making judgements […]

77% of the UK Experience This Work-Related Syndrome

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You may read the phrase “imposter syndrome” and be surprised that there’s a term for something you feel without realising it’s a common thing. Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough for the career you have? Do you doubt yourself and feel like an imposter in the workplace? Do you have a nagging […]


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RADA Business, the commercial arm of the world-renowned drama school RADA, is helping business professionals to use their body, breathe and voice to present brilliantly over video conferencing platforms. Charlie Walker-Wise, Tutor and Client Director at RADA Business, provides insight… To conform with social distancing guidelines in response to Covid-19, many companies made quick adjustments to their […]

These are top 20 things that boost confidence

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Brits have revealed the top traits guaranteed to give them a confidence boost – including clear skin, well-rested eyes and a glowing complexion. A study of 2,000 adults found having smooth skin, shaved legs and wearing make-up also results in a personal uplift. Despite this, 37 per cent admitted they would like to feel more […]

How to: Respond in the moment at work

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Alison Sutherland, Client Director at RADA Business, the corporate arm of the world-renowned drama school, provides insight into how business professionals can respond in the moment at work, with greater confidence… Remaining calm and being able to think under pressure is a skill that many of us wish we could develop and master. Our latest […]

79% of women regularly lack confidence at work

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70% of people admit to regularly lacking confidence in themselves when it comes to their careers and speaking up at work. According to research by My Confidence Matters, this lack of confidence is seen across the board, regardless of industry sector, size of business or job title. However, there was a notable disparity between men and […]

Opinion: Bin the bonuses for a happier workplace

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We understand that not everyone reading this will receive regular bonuses at work but the idea that scrapping the bonus system altogether could actually make your employees happier, doesn’t seem like it should work. However, for some employers, by binning the bonus, they have found their staff work harder and seem to be happier, shares  […]

New year, new life, real you: 3 steps to banish your negativity in 2017

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The New Year is always a time for reflection and forward planning. It is the time of year when evaluating our lives feels more natural than at other times of the year. As one year draws to a close and another begins it is a perfect opportunity for us to slow down, take stock and […]