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Businesses warned on energy prices

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If you manage the energy suppliers to your business, now might be the time to start planning ahead. Corin Dalby, energy industry veteran and founder of philanthropic energy buying consultancy Box Power, has issued a stark warning to businesses across the UK about the surging wholesale energy prices they could be stuck with when October […]

How to prepare for 2021 by optimising costs and improving profitability

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By MBM Omega 2020 has been a tough year for businesses across almost every industry, with many taking a significant financial hit. So, how can you improve profitability to prepare for a stronger financial year in 2021? Improving profitability Depending on your industry, investing in new product lines or enhancing customer service is a great […]

Fed up with booking & transaction fees? You’re not alone

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If you book a lot of travel, accommodation and handle  overseas expenses, you’ll be familiar with the budget-busting annoyance of transaction fees and other hidden costs – and now a study says we pay an average of £416 each a year. Researchers who polled 2,000 UK adults found they spend around £35 a month on added […]