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Depression and anxiety causing more workers to call in sick

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According to new data, depression and anxiety are acting as the main causes behind an increasing number of UK  workers saying they are too ill to come into work. Coupled with this, Rethinkly – a metaverse platform helping workplaces resolve communication and mental health challenges – has found an inability to communicate lies at the heart of this issue with, […]

How to tell from a simple text if someone is struggling mentally

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More than a year of various lockdowns and isolation has taken its toll on the nation, with figures from The Mental Health Foundation showing that feelings of loneliness rose to 26% in February this year. Over the past year the only source of connection with others for so many has been a phone call or text, but often this […]

Leaders warned that second wave will be more challenging for employees, depression rates double

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As more of the UK moves into lockdown and the UK Government urges employees to work from home again, business psychologist Dannielle Haig has warned businesses that they need to prioritise employee wellbeing as the second wave is set to be mentally more challenging. Recent research from the Office for National Statistics found that by […]

How to make sure you don’t burn out

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As someone that works a lot of varied hours throughout the day, I often find those that have a more relaxed working life telling me that I should slow down before I burn out. Like a lot of assistants, I don’t purposely work so much that I burn out but I also don’t try to prevent it […]

Overcoming the January blues

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As Brits return to work this week it can be tricky to tell the difference between the January blues and depression. Dr Leigh A.Neal from Smart TMS revels his top tips on how companies can safeguard their employees’ wellbeing. Blue Monday, which this year falls on January 15, 2018, is said to be the most depressing […]