Posts Tagged :

disabilities at work

How to break the stigma of disability in the workplace

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By Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity in Leadership and Jane Hatton, CEO of Evenbreak Approximately 15% of the world’s population live with some form of disability but only 2-4% have disabilities which cause significant difficulties functioning, yet disabled people are over a third less likely to be employed than non-disabled people. It’s probable this will […]

Research agency urges businesses to consider accessibility 

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Today marks International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) and this years’ theme is ‘not all disabilities are visible’. SimpleUsability, is keen to encourage businesses to consider this when interacting with their customers and has been providing research into the experiences of those with disabilities and additional needs. The agency is now calling on other businesses […]

Employers must do more to support overseas employees with disabilities

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Today is the International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) which aims to promote the rights and wellbeing of people with disabilities. The World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) report on disability states that 15% of the world’s population, more than 1 billion people, are living with a disability. Many of these disabilities are not visible and it is estimated […]

95% of SMEs unaware of the disabled employee rights

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Over 9 in 10 SMEs don’t know the rights that the Equality Act 2010 gives to disabled employees. That’s according to a survey of business leaders undertaken by Bolt Burdon Kemp, which also showed that 93% of SMEs want more training and education about disability employment law. The Equality Act 2010 was created to guarantee […]

Lack of deaf awareness at work is holding millions back

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A lack of deaf awareness among employers and society at large is holding people with hearing loss back by creating unnecessary barriers and is costing the UK economy £24.8 billion. During Deaf Awareness Week (15-21 May) the UK national charity Action on Hearing Loss highlights simple and cost-effective ways of making the work environment more […]

Learning disabilities in the workplace

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Mencap Ambassador Harry Roche is Office Assistant to Mencap’s Chief Executive Jan Tregelles. Here, boss and employee discuss Harry’s learning disability and encourage employers to adopt more inclusive recruitment policies. The UK is currently in an employment crisis – 1.4 million people have a learning disability, but only 6% of people with a disability known […]

Employers still failing to encourage reasonable adjustment requests

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The latest statistics on autistic adults in employment demonstrates that more still needs to be done to allow for reasonable adjustment requests in the hiring process, according to diversity consultancy The Clear Company. In response to a survey carried out by the National Autistic Society, which found that only 16% of autistic adults are in […]

Research highlights public attitude toward employing people with a learning disability

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New research released today by charity Mencap to coincide with the launch of Learning Disability Work Experience Week reveals that 52% of the public say they would prefer to work for a company that employs people with a learning disability. This may be an indication of the direct affect the public’s attitude has on learning […]

Discrimination still prevalent in recruitment

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The latest data from the CIPD suggests that discrimination in recruitment remains a big barrier to diversity and inclusion, but most is done unconsciously, according to diversity consultancy The Clear Company. Analysing the results of the Attitudes to employability and talent report, the firm identified a staggering disparity between perceptions of what makes a person employable in […]

1 in 10 businesses unable to support an employee with a disability or health condition

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New research has found that one in 10 business people do not feel confident that their organisation would be able to support an employee with a disability or living with a long-term health condition. Employment specialist Reed in Partnership and leading charity Disability Rights UK surveyed more than 300 people involved in recruitment, human resources, […]

Employers pledge to get 1 million disabled candidates in work

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Recruiters and employers must work in synergy to increase the inclusion of disabled talent. That was the conclusion of a debate hosted at the House of Commons that was attended by senior figures from the staffing sector and UK businesses. According to official figures, there is currently a 30% employment gap between disabled and non-disabled […]

Nearly half of UK businesses afraid to hire disabled candidates

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Almost half of UK businesses (45%) are apprehensive about hiring disabled candidates because of fears they won’t be able to do the job and concerns about making inappropriate comments or actions, according to new research. The findings were revealed as part of a survey of 1000 businesses to coincide with the launch of Purple – a […]

Companies still ‘fearful’ of hiring disabled people

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95% of recruiters say that companies are ‘fearful’ or ‘unsure’ about hiring disabled people, according to a new industry survey. The findings underline the need to continue raising awareness and add further impetus to the on-going campaign work of the Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative (RIDI). The survey of more than 100 members of recruitment industry trade […]

Lack of data on disabled people on boards

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There is no official or reliable data existing to show how many disabled people are on boards, despite drives for diversity in recent years. Commissioned by, the research has shown that while the issue of women’s representation on boards has gained real traction in policy and practice over the last decade or so, there […]