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Fewer than half of employees in Europe feel trusted at work

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A new survey from Catalyst reveals that only 46% of employees in Europe report often or always being trusted at work. This experience of being trusted is consequential; as the data shows, when managers lead more inclusively, experiences of trust increase, and organisations as well as employees benefit. Moreover, the study shows that as teams […]

Should recruiters favour education over potential?

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Looking for the right candidate can be difficult, with people from all different background, levels of education and experience fighting it out to be your next employee. Vincenzo Ferrara looks into the argument about at who you should hire and who you should avoid. British businesses are at risk of losing out on the greatest candidates, […]

Britain is home to some of the best work environments in Europe

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Britain is home to some of the best work environments in Europe when compared to other major economies. Despite a third of Brits saying they don’t get enough recognition from their boss, some 67 per cent say they think their manager has a genuine interest in their well-being and happiness at work. Almost half say […]

Employees are compromising ethical standards due to being under-resourced, says study

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The pressure of hitting a deadline on time can cause problems with employee health and with the quality of work produced, but with one in eight (12%) UK employees compromising their organisation’s ethical standards, is it time to invest in the workforce? This was up from 8% in 2015, the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) […]

Three in five employers report impending skills crisis

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As Brexit threatens the pipeline of skilled workers, employers are facing numerous recruitment challenges, but will your company be okay? In its latest Business Barometer, which monitors the skills landscape of the UK, The Open University found that three in five (61%) employers believe the skills shortage has worsened in the last year, and over half […]

List of Top 25 Meeting Destinations in Europe for 2018

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London ranks number one for the fourth consecutive year, and Germany leads with highest number of cities featured. Cvent, Inc, a market leader in meetings, events, and hospitality technology, released its list of the top cities for meetings and events in Europe. European cities were previously included in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region. […]