Posts Tagged :

financial advice

Oddbox partners with Mintago to deliver financial wellbeing benefits to staff

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The need to address workers’ financial wellbeing is growing with the looming recession and cost of living crisis affecting all of us.  Oddbox, the UK’s food-waste-fighting fruit and veg box, has signed up to Mintago to provide a financial wellbeing platform to its staff. Mintago is an FCA-regulated financial wellbeing company. It helps employees find all their […]

20.3m British workers affected by money worries

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Just over half (52% vs 50% last year) of UK employees have to borrow money to meet basic financial needs. That’s according to Neyber’s third annual DNA of Financial Wellbeing report, which this year looked into money behaviours and attitudes of over 11,000 employees and 720 employers. Not surprisingly, financial worries are taking a toll on people. […]