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Could VA services be the industry future?

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Could VA services be the future of the assistant role? Well according to FYXER, it very well could be. PA Life staff writer Vincenzo Ferrara spends a day at the FYXER office to understand why more assistants are opting out of the office and into working from home? FYXER is a virtual assistant service that hires […]

What is the future of the EA role?

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On Tuesday evening a group of PAs got together at an event held by Fyxer in central London to discuss a topic that all PAs have worried about recently; what is the future of the EA role, with the advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence? Vincenzo Ferrara reviews what was discussed. The event held by […]

Did you waste your full potential?

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Are you working towards your full potential – according to a new survey, most Brits are falling short of what they could achieve. When you first get into the world of work you are excited and filled with dreams, however both work and life become more demanding and your dreams have to take a back […]

Should you be worried about voice assistants?

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Technology is taking over our lives at an increasingly rapid rate and it’s got a lot of PAs worried that they will be replaced with a phone app. Vincenzo Ferrara thinks that change is in the air, with investment and development in AI (artificial intelligence), it seems likely that in the future a lot of […]

Why generational stereotypes could harm your business

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When HR decisions are based on these false generational stereotypes everyone loses out, what we have seen in recent times are more false ‘facts’ about the millennial generation. These stereotypes can cause employers to make decisions which could do more harm to their business than good.  Stereotypes about generational differences are one of the most […]

Part-time work now more empowering for women

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“The UK must recognise the skills and talents that young people working part time can bring to the workforce,” according to co-founder and COO of Job Today Polina Montano. “There’s a chance that the person serving your coffee at the weekend might be one of the CEOs of the future,” she told HR magazine. “Technology […]

UK is world leader in pension preparations

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A study into ‘retirement readiness’ has discovered that the UK is a world leader when it comes to prioritising savings for pensions. Successful Retirement – Healthy Aging and Financial Security examined what retirement and pension means to different people around the world, revealing that Britain is second only to Holland when it comes to a […]