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Men ‘unsure of how to support gender equality’

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98% of women want men to help address gender inequality issues, yet less than half of men indicated being ready to help. That’s according to a study conducted by LEWIS in support of the global HeForShe movement, showing the impact and perceptions of gender inequities during the pandemic across 13 countries. The report reveals women are looking for active support […]

Five empowering tips for women in the workplace

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By Emma Howe, Sales and Events Director at Street Feast  Gender equality in the workplace is the best it’s ever been but despite this, women are still largely underrepresented at every level of business. Things are starting to improve, explicit gender bias is less common, due to tougher legislation and an increased focus on diversity […]

Are men more able to start their own business than women?

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In 2019, 101 years since women were given the vote, men are still seen to be more likely to have the time, money and confidence to start their own company, according to the latest research by IW Capital. Why are so few women, relatively speaking, launching businesses in the UK? The Government is so worried […]

Women fight back against Google after memo controversy

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More than 60 female employees at Google could be set to sue the internet titan over pay disparities, according to reports. The news follows the sacking of Google engineer James Damore, who was fired after writing a memo claiming that women were less likely to reach higher company positions due to ‘biological causes’. Despite dismissing […]