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Half of employers admit their staff aren’t fully aware of the employee benefits they offer

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Despite employers investing heavily in employee benefits, 44% of employers admit that their staff are not fully aware of the benefits* they offer or don’t fully understand them, according to research from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Research amongst employees corresponds with this viewpoint: only 40% of staff think that […]

89% of employers say that supporting the health and wellbeing of staff has a positive impact on their business

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Nearly nine out of ten (89%) employers say that supporting the health and wellbeing of their staff has a positive impact on their business, according to research conducted by GRiD, the industry body for group risk. When asked how that positive impact manifests itself on their business, employers were keen to promote the benefits of […]

New Year’s Resolutions that employers need to make to support their staff during the pandemic

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As the emergence of another COVID-19 variant means employers head in to 2022 with yet more uncertainty, GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector, offers three employee benefit related New Year’s resolutions that make good business sense during the unpredictability of a pandemic: Think the unthinkable The pandemic has fundamentally changed the old ‘it […]

Baby boomers require physical support more than mental support in the workplace

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Although employers realise that baby boomers are not without stress and anxiety, their main concern for this cohort of employees is physical health and wellbeing not mental health, according to research from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Employers believe that baby boomers – the generation born from 1946 to 1964 (aged 57-75) – have the least amount of stress and […]

One in five employers do not provide ill-health prevention support to staff

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Twenty-one per cent of employers, or one in five, are missing a trick by not supporting the prevention of ill-health in their staff, according to research undertaken on behalf of GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Employers who do provide health and wellbeing support to help prevent employees becoming ill, stated […]

A quarter of employers do not financially support long-term absent employees

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A quarter of employers do not financially support their employees when they are long-term absent from work according to research from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. For most employees, remuneration is the primary reason they work, and GRiD believes that it’s important for employers to consider how they can financially […]

Stress and anxiety worst for Gen Y employees – report

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According to research conducted by GRiD, the industry body for group risk, employers believe that their Gen Y employees are affected by stress and anxiety more than any other generation. In three out of four areas, Gen Y (age 26-44) is affected more than any other demographic: Fifty-eight per cent are affected by stress and […]

1 in 5 employers do not offer any form of support for newly ill or injured staff

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Twenty per cent of employers do not offer any form of support for newly injured, ill or disabled staff. Of the four in five who do offer support for this group, on average they only facilitate three types of support for staff in this position, when in fact a much broader range is required to […]

Do you know if your boss would support you if you fell ill?

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A fifth (19%) of employees do not know how their employer would support them if they were absent through ill-health or injury, 16% think that their employer provides no support and 9% said they would only receive Statutory Sick Pay of £96.35 per week. This is according to new research from GRiD, the industry body for the group […]

Absence management ‘has become more difficult’ since Covid-19

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Although a healthy 85% of UK businesses record employee absence, according to research undertaken on behalf of GRiD, fewer employers (63%) actually measure the impact of sickness absence on their business. Of these, four in five said that it had become more difficult to record since the onset of Covid-19 as furloughing and working from […]

Employee mental health is deteriorating during the pandemic

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One in five employees say they are struggling to cope with Covid-19 restrictions and a quarter believe that their mental health has deteriorated due to the pandemic, according to new research amongst 1,216 employees on behalf of Group Risk Development (GRiD). The research, undertaken during January 2021, showed that 76% of employees, to the best of […]

Six in ten employers have increased wellbeing support

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Over six in ten (63%) employers have increased their support to staff across one or more areas of mental, financial, physical and social wellbeing in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. This level of activity clearly demonstrates that the health and wellbeing of staff has come to the fore since the pandemic began.  Katharine Moxham, spokesperson […]

Employers should support staff over the festive period

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The run up to Christmas, the day itself and the time afterwards can all be particularly stressful and extra support is often needed. GRiD, the group risk industry body is urging employers to encourage their staff to make use of their incumbent employee benefits over the festive period. Access to helplines for mental wellbeing, support […]

Mental health support from employers is the priority for employees

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Out of the four key pillars of wellbeing (mental, financial, physical and social), mental wellbeing is the number one priority that employees believe their employer should be responsible for supporting – with half (49%) of employees choosing this over the other areas of wellbeing, shows research from GRiD, the group risk industry body. And when […]

Third of employers not helping long-term absent employees return to work

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A third of employers (31 per cent) do not make any early  interventions to help staff return  to work in the event that they’re absent for longer than six months owing to ill health, disability or injury. Similarly, thirty-two per cent of employers don’t have any financial support in place for staff if they are […]

Financial stress front of mind for working Millennials

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‘Stress and anxiety related to finances and debt’ is the health and wellbeing issue that employers think most affects their Millennial employees. That’s according to the findings from GRiD’s latest research amongst 500 HR decision makers. In fact, the top three health and wellbeing issues that employers believe most affect their millennial workforce, are: ·       Stress […]