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Healthy eating

Beat the Afternoon Crash at Your Desk: The Sleep-Inducing Foods to Avoid

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We’ve all been there. Halfway through a particularly trying morning – or just any given Monday – you decide to deploy the old reward system tactic on yourself. “Get through this and I will treat you to your favourite lunch,” you tell yourself, sparking enough gusto to power through the rest of the morning’s tasks. […]

Do you need to spend more to keep healthy?

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January is a time of detoxing and diets, trying to give up the junk food and eat healthy instead. However,  for most people, the only pounds they will lose will be in their wallets. ‘New Year, New Me’ right? It’s common for most people to start the New Year with a resolution or two – […]

Have you quit your New Year’s diet already?

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Half of Brits struggle to keep up their New Year’s diet because they find healthy food boring. Do you find healthy food boring? It seems many Brits do as three in ten found the idea of eating healthily dull. New research found from Tilda discovered that healthy food would stop them from carrying on with […]