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Hitachi Capital Business Finance

Brits and unpaid overtime: How many free hours are you working?

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Millions of Brits give up more than a month of time each year by working for free. Let’s look at Brits and unpaid overtime – totalling five years over their working life, according to research. Have you thought about how many free hours are you working? In a poll conducted by Hitachi Personal Finance, now […]

Summer holidays pushes 4 in 5 parents to plan return to the office

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Parents are most keen to return to office (81% vs 66% without kids at home) – too many distractions, lack of social interaction with colleagues/people their age and a bad work-life balance were cited as key reasons. Working 9 to 5 is a tempting prospect for many parents, as new research from Hitachi Capital Business […]

Progress on travel green list ‘good news’ for up to 2.5 million small businesses

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While much of the discussion on travel restrictions easing has been centred on the UK’s travel and holiday market, new research shows the enormous impact lifting travel restrictions could have for UK small businesses. Following changes last week to the traffic light system for travel – with 36 countries or territories now on the green […]

Small businesses prefer home and hybrid working

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Research from Hitachi Capital Business Finance reveals that big and small businesses are moving in opposite directions, with smaller enterprises opting to stay at home and seeing more business benefits in home and hybrid working models going forward. New research conducted the week that Covid restrictions ended reveals that 58% of people that work for […]

Small businesses plan for growth but one in two fear the long tail of Covid

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Schools may be going back and the UK may be bracing itself for the easing of Covid restrictions by 21 June, but the long tail of Covid is still causing the majority of business owners concern. New research from Hitachi Capital Business Finance reveals that 44% of UK small businesses are still concerned about the […]

3 in 5 bosses admit the pandemic has positively impacted workforce productivity

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Three in five bosses (60%) say that the pandemic has unexpectedly impacted the productivity of their workforce in a positive way. The new research from Hitachi Capital Business Finance has also revealed that one in five say their staff are now more independent since working from home (20%). The survey of over 1,000 small businesses asked […]