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House of Colour

How to add impact, influence and authority in virtual meetings – Free webinar!

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The need for effective online interactions with colleagues and clients is now essential in place of face-to-face meetings. And how we present ourselves on-screen is critical for maintaining a professional image and demonstrating our credibility. On Wednesday May 27th at 11am, image consultant Sarah Biancardi provides essential guidance for maximising your professional image online in this engaging […]

Top Tips: Your essential guide to ‘above the keyboard’ dressing

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by Sarah Biancardi, House of Colour consultant The need for online interactions in place of face-to-face gatherings and meetings is essential amid the COVID-19 pandemic and while social distancing measures are in place. The effects on our personal and professional exchanges require us to be available and camera-ready at all times. How we present ourselves over […]

How to: Dress well for your job

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Helen Venables, MD of House of Colour, offers her top tips on planning your wardrobe… Getting up in the morning is hard enough, let alone deciding what to wear to work. What we need are some hard and fast ways to look professional, dress well for our job and feel good so we can leave […]

HOW TO: Dress well in your job

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By Helen Venables, MD of House of Colour Getting up in the morning is hard enough, let alone deciding what to wear to work in a fast-fashion, time-poor, eco-unfriendly society.  Many of us struggle to find what to wear to work and spend crucial time each morning rummaging through our over-burgeoning wardrobe contemplating why a […]