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HR Magazine

Is microchipping staff the future?

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With data being one of the greatest commodities for a business to trade on, it’s important for organisations to understand the movements and productivity of their workers. However, is a microchip a step too far? It sounded like an Orwellian nightmare. The Telegraph was the first to announce recently that Swedish firm Biohax was in […]

Workers’ rights get 21st century upgrade

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Gig economy workers are becoming more popular with employers. Choosing to hire freelancers and staff on short-term contracts over those who would stay with a company indefinitely has fast become a trend that often sees workers lose out. The benefits for an individual to become a freelancer or work short-term contacts are widely known, these […]

Is a little bit of stress good for you?

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We’ve all been told at some point in our lives that a little bit of stress is a good thing. It gives you the motivation to get the job done, or so we think. In reality, stress isn’t the driving force we think it is and the health and social problems linked with stress are […]

Part-time work now more empowering for women

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“The UK must recognise the skills and talents that young people working part time can bring to the workforce,” according to co-founder and COO of Job Today Polina Montano. “There’s a chance that the person serving your coffee at the weekend might be one of the CEOs of the future,” she told HR magazine. “Technology […]